Final Grade Proposal

Fourth Marking Period Progress The Fourth Marking Period was one of my favorites this year, for English. I feel that I achieved all my personal goals this marking period. My first goal was not to half ass any reading assignments, which I felt I did for To Kill a Mockingbird. When we began reading Night,…

Purpose Project #8

Where do we start this week? I’ll begin by reminding everyone reading what my purpose project is: The Study and Understanding of Under-performing Gifted Students, why the occur, what can we do to prevent this, and why the title sounds so unbelievably stupid. Let’s begin with the last one. “Under-performing Gifted Students.” What a stupid…

On the topic of Gifted Education (Blog Post #6)

I have a great idea. My last project idea was very abstract and wasn’t really going to go anywhere. So I’m changing it. I’m interested in researching the “gifted” mentality and how that affects students who are and who aren’t gifted. I hate the title of gifted, personally. It seems to elevate the title holder…